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Upon order placement, an account is automatically generated by the system. For order details, kindly access your account via the website's top right corner. You may need to create one.
After placing your order, a confirmation will be emailed to you. it's advisable to check the 'spam' folder.
Our standard delivery time depends on the shipping warehouse and product availability.
The shipping time from the European warehouse is about 7-9 days.
The shipping time from the Chinese warehouse is about 9-12 days.
It is normal for the package to be delayed by 3-5 days due to uncontrollable factors.
Standard shipping normally takes 3-5 days.International shipping times depend on the products and destination (estimated at checkout).
We currently ship to most places in the world. To enquire about shipping to a different destination
pleasecontact us.
Most products are shipped from our warehouse in the EU. Some out of stock products are shipped from our warehouse in China.
If you suspect a defective product, contact our support team( They will assist with troubleshooting and may help fix the issue. lf the problem persists, our team will identify and replace any faulty componentsin your upgrade kit.
For detailed return policy, you can refer to our page.
To facilitate the return of your new and sealed products, kindly reach out to our team furtherguidance. Please consult therefund policylocated at the bottom of the website.
Once we receive and inspect your return, we will notify you about the approval status of your refund. If approved, your refund will be processed within 7-10 business days and credited to your original payment method. Please note that it may take additional time for your bank or credit card company to post the refund.
For product replacements, we will confirm your shipping address upon receiving the returned item and send you a new product within 2-3 business days, at no extra cost.